
Learning Experience

Children are constantly developing self-confidence, independence, learning, constructing their own knowledge and gaining an understanding of the world through every day experiences. It is important to be conscious of the whole learning environment such as play areas (inside and out), learning centers, and quiet areas. At this age children are learning to be individuals as well as attaining social skills.

In addition to using the Creative Curriculum, Seedlings Academy incorporates a STEAM learning experience throughout your child’s day. This provides skills and experiences to help your child grow as an individual, become a successful part of a group setting and prepare for successful learning when they leave Seedlings Academy and start their school experience.

What Is STEAM?

STEAM is an acronym which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

Science – Prepares your child for success by scientific explorations to foster lifelong curiosity and skills to predict and test how things work.

Technology – Prepares your child for success by using technology as a learning tool to gain innovative and adoptive approaches to problem solving.

Engineering – Prepares your child for success by planning, testing, and constructive play to understand how things work and how to solve problems.

Arts (Art, Music and Dramatic Play) – Prepares your child for success by exploring and imagining, to develop physical, cognitive, emotional, vocal, listening, and problem solving skills.

Math – Prepares your child for success by providing a foundation for understanding numbers, logic and spatial relationships.